Acceptance and Love? What’s the Difference?

One of the most empowering aspects of being 100% responsible is acceptance of what is and what isn’t. In that moment we are free to create anything we want because nothing is there to get in the way. And, we are the only one in the way of ourselves and Love. So in relationships we must accept someone for who they are and who the’re not. That means we are not trying to change them, manipulate them, or force an outcome with them. All of this stems directly from accepting ourselves for who we are and who we are not. That creates an open space for discovery of something new and juicy. I’m also going to propose that acceptance is what Love is. This means in relationship, accepting someone for who they are and who they’re not. This is crucial at the beginning of any type of relationship. People are not what they want to be or who they promise to be. People are who they are in the now. That’s it! So when we create a clearing of total acceptance and Love for ourselves right here in the moment, it provides access for us to share that acceptance and Love with everyone we encounter. And I promise, from that space, miracles will occur in your life. For Love and acceptance is the source of creation!



About Rusty Stewart

My name is Rusty Stewart, Ph.D. and I am the founder of Personal Growth Alternatives LLC, a holistic healing center and reiki school located in Abington, PA.

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