Making a Difference

What do you want your legacy to be? What are you leaving as your contribution to the world after you transition? Are you up to playing a BIG game in life? What kind of a difference do you want to cause? I know these can be challenging questions, especially when it involves our mortality. I am driven by making a difference. Specifically, my purpose in being here at this time on planet earth is to facilitate personal and global transformation. And at times it scares the shit out of me! Why? Because the bigger the game I play the more breakdowns I have. The more I stretch myself out of my comfort zone the more breakdowns I have. In fact, if you really want to make a difference in the world, you will have breakdown after breakdown. So here’s the good news, breakdowns cause breakthroughs if you stay committed to your purpose and putting yourself out there over and over and over again. It’s not possible to create something completely different without mistakes, failures, and finding the ways that don’t work. So if you want to leave a legacy that involves making a difference in the world, expect breakdowns, challenges, and breakthroughs along the way. Transformation is simple, but not easy. Ask yourself, Am I willing to take a stand for something important for me and others without being attached to the outcome, without it working out the way I want it to and in the time frame I desire? Am I coachable to be part of a team that shares my vision of making a difference and let go of what we ultimately create with one another? Making a difference involves relationships. Without relationships and teamwork, your legacy will be much smaller than it could have been. Inspire others to join you in your purpose making a difference in the world and see how BIG the game can really get. And see how amazing your relationships become. Have fun!



About Rusty Stewart

My name is Rusty Stewart, Ph.D. and I am the founder of Personal Growth Alternatives LLC, a holistic healing center and reiki school located in Abington, PA.

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