About Rusty

Psychotherapist Philadelphia

Rusty Stewart PhD is a skilled Life Coach PhiladelphiaMy name is Rusty Stewart, Ph.D. and I am the founder of Personal Growth Alternatives LLC, a holistic healing center and Reiki school located in Abington, PA. The evolution of my business as a Philadelphia psychotherapist, Life Coach and Couples Counselor has developed as a result of my own personal challenges and quest for health and happiness. It has been this journey that has defined the purpose of my existence, which is to help people of all walks of life heal holistically and improve as human beings from the inside out. My purpose in life is standing for and causing personal and global transformation.

I battled a myriad of issues including drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety, panic disorder and depression prior to my awakening. I sought out conventional treatments through psychiatry and bounced from one unfulfilling career to another. I was put on a cocktail of meds that left me feeling worse than the original problem. This brought me to brink of despair where thoughts of suicide manifested as an option to escape the pain.

I found both healing and fulfillment through an immersion in non convention healing modalities that has ultimately lead me to being at the cutting edge of my profession some 20+ years after the beginning of my own healing journey.

As I had regained my health in all areas of my life, I excelled academically in my Doctoral program finishing in May 2000 with a 3.97 cumulative average from Temple University. My Ph. D. is in Psychoeducational Processes and Group Dynamics. Interpersonal communication and addiction counseling were core areas of specialization, which relate heavily to some of my current work.

In the years following my doctoral training, I achieved multiple advanced certifications and completed workshops emphasizing personal growth & human potential, transpersonal psychology, Eastern and Western philosophy integration and indigenous cultures.

Rusty Stewart PhD is a skilled Life Coach PhiladelphiaI’ve since become an authority in the fields of psychotherapy, interpersonal relationships, personal development, integrative breathing, reiki, hypnotherapy and shamanic journeying drawing on both ancient and modern paradigms. My experience in these disciplines enables me to be a highly effective psychotherapist and life coach helping people grow in many facets of their lives.

I teach, write, speak and serve the community through my involvement with outreach programs. Currently, as a life coach, psychotherapist, teacher and reiki master, I lead a number of healing certifications including Shamanic Reiki Master, Usui Reiki (levels 1, 2 & 3) as well as Holistic Integrative Breathing (levels 1, 2 & 3).

I’ve taught psychology, group dynamics and related curriculums at the University level including Temple University, University of the Sciences, Immaculata University, Thomas Jefferson University and graduate courses and Georgian Court University. I’ve been a contributing author is numerous local publications including Yoga Living Magazine, New Visions Magazine, Living Well Magazine and currently Philly Fit Magazine.

I am the creator of a Guided Holistic Integrative Breathing 6 CD Set Series designed to facilitate healing, balancing and clearing. In the set, you will learn how to continuously breathe from your belly and move your energy through your body. Positive belief statements accompany this breathing process.

I also published a 6 CD Set on Shamanic Change Journeying intended to quickly alter one’s consciousness to a relaxed and new awareness. Journeying can allow you to see, feel, and hear an unlimited variety of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences.

Through my current (2011-2012) involvement with Landmark Education, an organization focused on personal and global transformation, I’m spearheading an outreach project with the Southeast Council in Doylestown that’s focused on helping teenagers and young adults deal with the issue of drug abuse through shamanic drum circles.

It all started back in 1989 when my life took a radical shift directly after I completed Lifespring’s Basic and Advanced  Training. The years from 1989-1991 were intensive searching experiences for me. All of the seminars I participated in and books I read during this period were critical to my growth and development. I have been on a non-stop journey of healing, learning and sharing ever since.

Rusty Stewart PhD is a skilled Life Coach PhiladelphiaEven dealing with the experience of marriage and divorce in the years from 1992 through 1996 brought many lessons that have enabled me to help others in their relationships. I have been in several relationships since and realize that this is where growth and healing occur. I am pleased to reveal I still maintain a close friendship with my former wife as well as my partners following the marriage.

We are never done with our healing; it is a lifelong long process. Sharing what has worked and what has not worked is an important part of this process. The important point is to be in the process of healing. This is my calling; to help individuals from all walks of life, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, social status, etc., facilitating both health and personal growth. To live a life of peace, love, harmony and happiness within themselves and exude that vibration to others. Namaste.

If you are ready to take the reigns and strive for the highest level of personal fulfillment maximizing your potential for growth in all areas of your life, I invite you to contact me today for a free consultation to discuss your goals: rusty@personalgrowthalternatives.com

Rusty’s Interests:
Integrative Breathing
A Course in Miracles
Cross Training
Integrated Spirituality
Advanced Recovery
Taoist/Tantra Practices
Personal Growth Groups
Peace and Non-Violence
Organic Cooking
Omega Workshops
Transpersonal Psychology
Cultural Creatives
Intimate Friends
Ecstatic Dancing
Raw Juicing
Oneness Speaks (Rasha)
Landmark Education and Transformation
Men’s Groups
Green Energy
Beach and Ocean
The Way of Mastery
The Law of Attraction
Essential Oils
Contact Improv
Rock Music
Techno Music
World Music
The Phillies
Cats and Animals
Indigenous Ceremonies
Different Cultures
Burning Man
Psy Dance
Gaian Mind
Sirius Rising
Earthdance, MA
David Deida
Neal Donald Walsh